Saturday, May 14, 2011


6 Portionen

ca. 20 dag. Ziegenkaese (frisch)
3 sauber gewaschene Rote Rueben  (ca 5-6 cm ∅ )
Rote Bete (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. conditiva), Rote Beete (jeweils von lat. beta, Rübe) oder Rote Rübe, in der Schweiz Rande, in ÖsterreichBayern und Südbaden auch der Rahner (Rauna, Rana, Rohne, Rone, Ronen, Randig) genannt
2 resche Aepfel (z.B. Granny Smith)
Baby Ruccola (1 handvoll pro Person)
Keksschneider ca 4-5 cm ∅

Photo: John Kernick

Die roten Rueben im Dampf fuer ca. 1/2 Stunde garen lassen bis sie weich sind.  Man kann sie auch im Rohr fuer 1 1/2 Stunden eingerollt in Alufolie braten. Nach dem Garen stehen lassen, bis sie ausgekuehlt sind, schaelen und dann in ca 1/2 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden. Die Aepfen ebenso in 1/2 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden und ein bisschen Zitronensaft daruebertreufeln, damit die Aepfelscheiben nicht braun werden. Mit dem Keksschneider 18 rote Rueben und 18 Aepfelscheiben ausstechen. 1 Scheibe Apfel, 1 Scheibe Rote Rueben, Ziegenkaese, nochmals wiederholen und dann noch 1 Scheibe Apfel und mit 1 Scheibe Rote Rueben abschliessen.

Ruccola mit 1/2 Marinade vermischen und um die Napoleons herum garnieren. 

Option: Apfel inclusive Schale fein raspeln, mit ein bisschen Marinade vermischen und 1/2 TL auf den Napoleons plazieren.

Falls noch Marinade uebrig ist, nach Belieben noch zusaetzlich ueber den Salat traeufeln. 

1/2 Kaffeetasse (ca. 8 EL) frisch gepressten Orangen- oder Grapefruit-Saft
2 EL frischen Zitronen- oder Limettensaft
1/4 Kaffeetasse frischen Ingwer (geschaelt und fein geschnitten)
1 TL Honig
3 EL oder mehr Oliven Oel
Option: 1/2 geraspelter Apfel (geschaelt)
Salz und frischer Pfeffer

Alle Zutaten einige Stunden vorher im Blender mischen. Vor dem Servieren durch ein feines Sieb laufen lassen.  

Option: frische Estragonblaetter zum Napoleon zufuegen und statt Apfel kann auch eine resche Birne verwendet werden.

.... und ich hoff mein/e Deutschlehrer/in wird dies nie lesen. Korrekturen sind willkommen ;-D

Monday, May 9, 2011


Yield: Makes 6 servings
Active time: 45 min
Total time: 2 hr

6 oz. Fresh Goat Cheese
3 trimmed medium red beets (about 3 1/2 inches in diameter)
2 Apples (Fuji or Granny Smith)
Wild Arugula or Baby Arugula
Cookie cutter (2 inch)

Photo: John Kernick

Steam beet for approx. 1/2 hour or until tender in the center. You can also wrap beets in foil and roast until tender, about 1 1/2 hours.
Let stand until cool enough to handle and peel, then slice crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick rounds. Cool completely.
Cut Apple into 1/4-inch-thick slices, remove the center with the piths.  Drizzle a bit of lemon juice over the apple slices, so they do not get brown. Cut out 18 rounds from slices using cookie cutter.
To assemble napoleons, put 1 apple round, 1 beet round, goat cheese, repeat these 3 layers, top with 1 apple slice and finish with beet slice, on each of 6 plates and top with an arugula leaf.

Toss greens with some of vinaigrette and place around each napoleon. 

Optional: Finely grate apple (including skin) into a bowl. Spoon a heaping teaspoon apple on top of each napoleon, then sprinkle with sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Drizzle with more vinaigrette if desired.

1/3 cup fresh orange or grapefruit juice
2 tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice
1/4 cup grated peeled fresh ginger
1 teaspoon honey
3 tablespoon (or to your liking) extra virgin olive oil 
for a different taste 1/2 a grated apple can be added
salt and fresh ground pepper

Blend all ingredients a few hours ahead and refrigerate. Strain before mixing with the Salad.

Tarragon leaves in between layers is also very nice taste wise and the apple can be substituted with Anjou or Asian pear.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Approx. 5-6 oz. of high quality Tuna per person
Sushi Rice
Low sodium Soy sauce
Pickled Ginger
Radish pickle

Sushi Rice

2 cups Japanese rice
2 cups plus 6 teaspoon water
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1-2 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
In estimating quantities 1 cup of uncooked rice will yield about 2 cups of cooked rice.
For each cup of rice to be cooked, add 1 cup plus 3 teaspoon of cold water.
Makes 4-6 servings.

Soak rice in a bowl of cold water, mixing occasionally with your hands. As the water becomes cloudy, drain through a strainer and rinse until water runs clear. Let the rice drain in the strainer for about 30 minutes.
Prepare sushi vinegar by mixing rice vinegar, sugar, and salt in a sauce pan. Put the pan on low heat and heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool the vinegar mixture.
Put the drained rice with the appropriate amount of water into a heavy medium sized pot and cover tightly. DO NOT lift the lid at any point until the rice is finished cooking, or steam will escape and it will not cook the rice properly.
Gas: Place over medium-high heat until the rice boils. Notice a white foam around the lid. Turn the heat to medium-low and cook approximately 5 minutes until the foam stops turn up to high and you hear a crackling sound. At this point turn off the heat immediately and let the rice stand COVERED for 15 minutes.
Electric: To prevent overcooking on an electric range, change heating temperatures by switching burners, rather than adjusting the heat on the same burner, unless you have a high end Ceramic cook top.
Sprinkle the vinegar mixture over the rice and fold the rice with a rice spatula quickly. Be careful not to smash the rice. Wrap lid in a cloth towel and return lid to cover the pot. Let stand another 10 minutes.
Use of rice for Tekka Don:
Put warm rice into bowl and serve immediately.
Slice tuna into thin slices and arrange on the plate with a Sisho leave, thin slices of radish pickles.
Slice a 3-4 inch piece of scallion except for the last 1 inch into thin long slivers, put into an ice bath so they curl and arrange on the plate (see photo)

Tuna with Hot Pepper Paste
3 tbsp. Hot Pepper Paste (Korean hot-pepper paste (sometimes labeled "gochujang") mixed with 2 tbsp. soy sauce, touch of Sesame oil, 1 tsp. Mirin, 1 tsp. rice vinegar, 1 tsp. sesame seeds, thinly sliced Scallion.
Cut Tuna into small cubes and mix with hot pepper sauce, put into a little flat bowl and top with thin slices of Scallion.
Put pickled ginger, wasabi, soy sauce into individual little bowls and enjoy!
Use of rice for Sushi:

To cool and remove the moisture of the rice well, use a fan as you mix sushi rice. This will give sushi rice a shiny look. It's best to use sushi rice right away.


12 Shrimp (Appetizer)
24 or more Shrimp (Main Course)
(Deveined, but with shell)
If with heads - they can be eaten - otherwise,
heads off but freeze for future use (Soup stock)
1/2 cup Flour (rice or regular)
2 cups Canola oil
1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
4 cloves Garlic (crushed and cut into small pieces) Do not use a garlic press !
1-2 Chillies
1 inch Ginger (peeled and cut into small slivers)
2 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 cup Salt and fresh ground Pepper Mix (1 part Salt -2 parts Pepper)
1 Lemon cut into wedges
2 Scallions cut into fine slivers
1/2 cup chopped Cilantro

Mix 2 tablespoon oil with Garlic, Chillies, Ginger and Sugar. Set aside. Take 1 tablespoon of this mix add 2 tablespoon scallion slivers and stir into soy sauce. Heat a small iron frying pan and cook the left over mix on medium/high until golden brown stirring it all the time, so it does not burn, strain the oil. Set the mix aside - it should be really crispy. Heat the remaining oil, roll shrimp in flour and shake access flour off, fry until pink and crispy on both sides. Put on a sheet of kitchen roll to soak up the oil. Put shrimp on a serving dish and ladle the garlic, ginger, chili mix over the shrimp, sprinkle with salt and pepper mix and some of the scallion slivers and cilantro. Serve immediately with wedges of lemon, salt and pepper mix and the soy sauce mix on the side to dunk the shrimp.

Yes, you eat it with the shells!!!!